10 Branding & Marketing Tips from “Mad Men”

I have recently become obsessed with the show Mad Men and watched Seasons One through Four in about a month. Crazy? No! Dedicated? Yes! While watching the well written, directed, and addicting show, I couldn’t help but relate it to my life and career in marketing. Here are a few of things I took away from the show…

(1) Just because you think the slogan/pitch is awesome, does not mean it is. It takes practice (and many errors) to get things fine-tuned and “awesome.”

(2) Don Draper is the Man.

(3) Having your brand featured on Mad Men is kickass brand exposure and awareness.

(4) Losing a large brand, could potentially lead to losing other brands unless you react and turn the situation around quickly.

(5) If the story is making your brand look bad – change the story.

(6) Traditional Media can still be effective if used well.

(7) “Sex sells.”

(8) How your consumer views your brand may not be the same way you view your brand.

(9) If you are a secretary on Mad Men you will get laid and/or married.

(10) An efficient and creative marketing/Ad team is not only important, but essential.

And did I mention, Don Draper is the Man?!

3 thoughts on “10 Branding & Marketing Tips from “Mad Men”

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention 10 Branding & Marketing Tips from “Mad Men” : Pam Sahota -- Topsy.com

  2. Great post Pam!! Being in the magazine biz, “Losing a large brand, could potentially lead to losing other brands unless you react and turn the situation around quickly.” couldn’t be more true!